The film adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical Wicked is set to hit theaters on November 22. Directed by Jon M. Chu, the movie has generated excitement, especially as fans notice the absence of “Part One” in its title. Chu confirmed that the story will be split into two films, but each will stand on its own.
Jon M. Chu Discusses Wicked
Jon M. Chu emphasized that the first film will be “emotionally satisfying.” He wants audiences to feel like they’ve seen a complete movie by the end. “This should leave you with the highest of highs and so connected to these women,” he stated.
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One of the film’s key musical numbers is “Dancing Through Life,” performed by Jonathan Bailey’s character, Fiyero. In this scene, Fiyero encourages his classmates to dance freely, showcasing a vibrant moment in the story. Chu noted that this musical number captures the essence of youth and rebellion, similar to the spirit of Grease.
The director also shared some intriguing visuals from the film, including a scene featuring a giant clock. When asked about it, he playfully remarked, “I will neither confirm nor deny that it’s a clock.” He explained that the setting includes unique elements like a rotating bookshelf, emphasizing the magical and whimsical nature of Oz.
Fans can look forward to an exciting and satisfying film experience that captures the magic of the original musical while introducing new elements for the screen. With Wicked on the horizon, audiences are eager to see how Chu brings this enchanting story to life.