Jamie Lee Curtis, the legendary actress known for her role in the classic film Freaky Friday, recently expressed her frustration with the paparazzi. She called them out for leaking photos from the set of the upcoming sequel, Freakier Friday. Despite her irritation, Curtis shared a bit about the film’s progress and reassured fans that the story remains under wraps.
The Leaked Photos
Responding to the invasion by the paparazzi in a recent Instagram post, Curtis said. A raunchy picture of her and her co-star Lindsay Lohan was snapped on the set of Freakier Friday rolling on a beach smiling and hugging each other. Curtis posted the photo herself, she said, “OK. Because other outlets have posted it, I am going to take advantage of the intrusion of a paparazzi picture into the creative process of filmmaking.”
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Jamie Lee Curtis’ Response
Curtis further explained to the audience, the crew that was involved in the shooting and development of Freakier Friday ensured that the story was not leaked. She said that despite the leaked picture not depicting a progression of the plot, it depicted the fun they had while making the film. Curtis went on to say that the image does nothing to compromise the movie’s storyline for those who have not seen it, promising that the film is full of surprises.
About Freakier Friday
Freakier Friday is the long-awaited follow-up to Disney’s Freaky Friday (2003) with James Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan as the mother and the daughter who woke up in each other’s bodies. Indeed, the new film, which Nisha Ganatra directed, is set several years after the first film; Anna, played by Lohan, brings her daughter to the clinic. Viewers of the fans want to know whether the same script will be replayed in this new edition.
Returning and New Caste Members
Other main actors of the first part will also be reunited in the sequel; they are Chad Michael Murray, Mark Harold and Christina Vidal Michell. That said, the film will feature newcomers Manny Jacint, Sophia Hammons, Julia Butters, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as well as Jordan E. Cooper, who would clearly add the fresh spirit to the beloved franchise.