“Khatron Ke Khiladi 14,” hosted by Rohit Shetty, is known for its intense stunts and entertaining moments. The latest episode, aired on July 28, showcased a fun and flirty interaction between contestant Abhishek Kumar and Krishna Shroff. Abhishek, in a playful mood, asked Krishna to talk to her brother, Tiger Shroff, about him. Here’s a detailed look at what happened.
The Abhishek Kumar Flirtatious Exchange
During one of the segments, Abhishek Kumar decided to flirt with Krishna Shroff. He used charming lines to express his admiration for her. He said, “Did you see I lost my mind? And I have a new flower in my heart. I feel that I have found my love.” Krishna responded with a smile, acknowledging his compliments. This light-hearted banter added a fun element to the show.
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Abhishek’s Quick Wit
Krishna, known for her fitness enthusiasm, mentioned that Abhishek should star in movies. Seizing the moment, Abhishek quickly replied, “Talk to Tiger.” This witty response made everyone laugh, including Krishna and the other contestants. Niyati Fatnani, who was recording their conversation, praised Abhishek for his passionate approach to finding love.
Abhishek’s Motivation During Stunts
Abhishek revealed that he often imagines saving someone while performing stunts. This mental trick helps him stay motivated. He explained, “When I was performing the stunt, I thought I had to save a girl.” Krishna humorously suggested that he imagines saving her specifically, but Abhishek clarified, “Not mainly you. She is the one and only.”
Karan Veer Mehra joined in the fun, joking that Abhishek promised to dedicate his next stunt to Krishna, saying, “Krishna, this one’s for you only.”
Other Highlights of the Episode
The July 28 episode also featured more intense moments. A significant part of the episode was a heated argument between Abhishek Kumar and Asim Riaz. During a task, Asim’s behavior led to a serious confrontation with Rohit Shetty. Asim’s disrespectful attitude towards the contestants and the show’s team resulted in Rohit expelling him from the show.
The episode also included an elimination stunt between Kedar Aashish Mehrotra and Aditi Sharma. In a surprising twist, Rohit Shetty announced that there would be no elimination, giving the contestants a reprieve.
Rohit Shetty’s Handling of the Situation
Rohit Shetty, known for his calm and composed demeanor, handled the situation with Asim Riaz professionally. He explained the importance of respect and teamwork on the show. Rohit stated, “I have been hosting this show for 10 years, and 150-200 contestants have been a part of it. While I have scolded contestants and some have stated their point of view, chaos like Asim’s never happened before.”
Rohit emphasized that while everyone has a point of view, maintaining respect for others is crucial. He wished Asim the best for his future but made it clear that such behavior would not be tolerated on the show.