Shraddha Kapoor, a well-known Bollywood actress, has shared her thoughts on pay parity in the film industry. She discussed how star salaries have changed and expressed hope for further improvements.
Shraddha Kapoor on Pay Parity
At a recent event, Shraddha reflected on how much the film industry has changed since she started her career with “Teen Patti” in 2010. She mentioned that her own earnings have increased significantly in the past 14 years. Despite this, she acknowledged that there is still a gap in pay between male and female actors, but she believes progress is being made.
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Shraddha pointed out that the decisions regarding pay and budgets are ultimately made by producers. She stated, “Whatever is going to work positively in the making of a film, those calls the producers will have to take. It’s their vision.” She emphasized that some producers have a clear vision of where the industry is headed and make decisions accordingly.
The actress is optimistic about the changes in the industry, noting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to pay. She believes that some producers are looking at the long-term future of filmmaking and adapting their strategies.