Christopher Knight, best known for his role as Peter Brady on The Brady Bunch, recently shared an amusing yet terrifying experience from the show’s set. Knight, now 67 years old, recalled a memorable scene from the fourth season, where his character, Peter, had to wake up with a live tarantula on him.
Christopher Knight Tarantula Set Story
During a recent appearance on the Today Show with fellow cast members Barry Williams and Eve Plumb, Knight opened up about the incident. He explained how the producers had assured him that the tarantula’s fangs were safely covered with ball bearings, making it harmless. However, Knight soon realized that he was misled.
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“I was terrified,” Knight admitted, recalling the moment he found the large spider on his chest. He added, “But I had to pretend I wasn’t scared. I had to show the ladies that I was brave.”
Williams, who was also part of the scene, shared his own thoughts on the spider. He was comfortable with it since he had once owned a pet tarantula. However, concerned for Knight’s safety, Williams quickly stepped in and moved the spider off of him.
The scene became one of the most iconic moments from the show, though Knight’s fear was very real at the time. Despite the scary experience, he handled the situation professionally, keeping his fear in check for the cameras.
In addition to the tarantula story, Christopher Knight also reminisced about other quirky moments from The Brady Bunch. He mentioned how the family pet, Tiger, disappeared from the show without explanation and how the cat Fluffy, who was featured in the pilot episode, was written out of the series.
The Brady Bunch remains a beloved classic, and these behind-the-scenes stories continue to captivate fans even decades after the show first aired. The series is available for streaming on platforms like Pluto TV and Paramount+.