Rob Rabbit Pitts, known for his role in the Netflix show Tex Mex Motors, sadly passed away on August 25, 2024, at the age of 45. His passing has left a void in the hearts of his fans, friends, and family. This article reflects on his life, career, and the legacy he leaves behind.
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Who Was Rob Rabbit Pitts?
Rob Rabbit Pitts, fondly known as “Rabbit,” was a car enthusiast and a popular television personality. He gained fame through his work on the Netflix show Tex Mex Motors, where he showcased his deep passion for restoring vintage vehicles. The show, which premiered in June 2023, was centered around Pitts and his co-star Marcos “Scooter” Carrera. Together, they traveled across Mexico, hunting for classic cars that they would restore in their El Paso, Texas, workshop.
Rob Rabbit Pitts love for cars wasn’t just a profession; it was a lifelong passion. His expertise in finding and restoring vintage vehicles made him a respected figure in the automotive community. He was admired for his dedication to his craft and his ability to bring old, forgotten vehicles back to life.
In the months leading up to his passing, Rob Rabbit Pitts experienced a series of health challenges. According to a heartfelt message he shared in a YouTube video titled This Is Goodbye (RIP 7/27/79-8/25/24), Pitts began to feel unwell after attending SEMA, a famous car show in Las Vegas, last year. He noticed that he was losing weight, but at the time, he attributed it to his desire to get camera-ready for the second season of Tex Mex Motors.
As time went on,Rob Rabbit Pitts started experiencing more severe symptoms, including a loss of appetite and frequent acid reflux. Despite seeking medical attention multiple times, the root cause of his symptoms remained undiagnosed. It wasn’t until March 2024, when his castmate Jaime took him to the emergency room, that doctors discovered he had stomach cancer.
Pitts began receiving treatment at home, but it was a tough journey. In his video message, he described the treatment process as “rough,” with more bad days than good. However, despite his illness, Pitts remained optimistic and expressed his gratitude for the achievements he had accomplished in his life. He spoke about his dream of owning his own store, completing the second season of Tex Mex Motors, and marrying the love of his life. He urged his fans and loved ones not to be sad for him, as he felt fulfilled by his accomplishments.
Rob Pitts’ passing has led to an outpouring of tributes from fans, friends, and colleagues. His co-star, Marcos “Scooter” Carrera, took to Instagram to express his sorrow, sharing candid photos of himself with Pitts. In one post, Carrera wrote, “It’s with a heavy heart that I write about the passing of my cast member & friend ROB ‘RABBIT’ PITTS. Rest In Peace Brother, I’m going to really miss you!!!”
Pitts’ impact on the automotive world and his warm, charismatic presence on Tex Mex Motors will not be forgotten. He is survived by his spouse, Randi Foraker, and his mother, Kim Pitts. His family, friends, and fans will remember him as a man who lived life passionately, chasing his dreams and inspiring others to do the same.