Actor Glen Powell recently shared the heartfelt story behind adopting his dog, Brisket. In an interview for Dogue, Vogue’s digital cover project dedicated to celebrity pets, Powell talked about his strong determination to bring Brisket into his life.
The Journey to Adoption
Glen Powell first came across Brisket’s photograph on the social networking site while he was shooting a film titled Twisters in Oklahoma. According to Powell, the picture of Brisket that aroused him was found by him in a café in Enid Oklahoma. Rather than that, he got an idea to record a video with Brisket and contacted all the people he knew who were connected to the place where she was to be adopted.
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Powell was so determined to adopt him that he flew back to Los Angeles from his shooting set, just for the event. At first he considered calling the puppy Enid after the town in which he first set eyes on him but decided against it and called him Brisket.
Brisket’s Personality and Popularity
Powell and the elderly are excellent friends since brisket turned out to be a vigorous and appreciated portion of his existence. His friends have nicknamed him “Brisky” or “Brisky Business” because he has a very enthusiastic and outgoing personality. When asked about it Powell referred to Brisket as a very energetic dog who enjoys meeting new people and said: ”He’s a party so yes, it makes sense”.
Adventures with Brisket
Powell loves to have Brisket go almost everywhere with him such as during the press tour for his Twisters movie. Thus, the film reveals that no matter whether Powell is in Atlanta or in London he feels more comfortable with Brisket by his side as a companion as he said in his testimonial. He added how it is interesting to have Brisket with him on such trips.
About the Glen Powell Movie Twisters
Twisters features Glen Powell as Tyler Owens, alongside Kiernan Shipka, Daisy Edgar-Jones, and Anthony Ramos. The movie is currently in theaters and showcases Powell in a leading role.