Ingredients: You need almonds, raisins, seedless dates, coconut chips, paneer, ghee, sugar-free sweetener, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, saffron, and dry rose petals.

Step 1: Cut dates into small pieces and soak them in water for 15 minutes. Soak raisins separately for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Heat ghee and fry the almonds, paneer, and coconut chips until they are golden.

Step 3: Boil water in a pan, add sugar-free sweetener, spices, saffron, and rose petals. Cook until it becomes a thick syrup.

 Step 4: Add the fried almonds, paneer, soaked dates, and raisins to the syrup. Mix well until everything is coated.

Step 5: Serve the Kashmiri Shufta warm and enjoy the rich flavors.