Bigg Boss Drama Unfolds: In the December 21 episode of Bigg Boss 18, Yamini Malhotra and Kashish Kapoor discussed Shrutika Arjun’s tough relationship with her mother.
Shrutika Faces Emotional Struggles: Shrutika Arjun had an emotional breakdown after making a decision to evict Digvijay Rathee, which some contestants disagreed with.
Yamini's Harsh Words About Shrutika’s Family: Yamini mentioned that Shrutika’s mother doesn’t support her choices and even belittles her. This created tension among the housemates.
Shrutika’s Relationship with Her Mother: Yamini revealed that Shrutika’s mother doesn’t show love towards her and disapproves of her decisions, which hurts Shrutika.
Kashish Shares Her Perspective: Kashish Kapoor agreed with Yamini, adding that Shrutika often shows signs of wanting to please her mother and gain her approval.
Tensions from Childhood: According to Yamini, Shrutika’s emotional outbursts are tied to past experiences with her mother, who makes her feel inferior.
Financial Tension: Yamini also pointed out that Shrutika’s husband Arjun is financially stable, unlike her parents, who still live in a rented house.
Shrutika’s Desire to Prove Herself: Kashish explained that Shrutika is struggling to gain her mother’s love and validation, which is influencing her actions on the show.
Shrutika’s Presence on Bigg Boss: Yamini shared that Shrutika joined Bigg Boss to show her mother her success, as she knows her mother is a fan of the show.