Spelling and Grammar Errors: Check your resume for spelling and grammar mistakes. These errors make you look unprofessional.

Too Long or Too Short: Keep your resume to one or two pages. Too long can be overwhelming; too short might miss important details.

Not Tailoring to the Job: Customize your resume for each job. Highlight the skills and experiences relevant to the job you want.

Using a Generic Objective: Instead of a generic objective, write a specific summary that shows how you can benefit the company.

Including Irrelevant Information: Only include work experience and skills relevant to the job. Leave out unrelated hobbies and jobs.

Poor Formatting: Use a clean, simple layout. Avoid fancy fonts and colors that make it hard to read.

Not Highlighting Achievements: Focus on your achievements, not just your duties. Use numbers and examples to show your successes.

Leaving Out Keywords: Use keywords from the job description. Many companies use software to scan resumes for these keywords.

Incorrect Contact Information: Double-check your contact details. Incorrect information can prevent employers from reaching you.

Lying or Exaggerating: Be honest about your skills and experience. Lies or exaggerations can be easily discovered and hurt your chances.