His Role: Robert De Niro plays Murray Franklin, a famous talk show host in the movie “Joker.”

Connection to Scorsese: The film is inspired by Martin Scorsese’s classic movies, where De Niro had leading roles, such as in “Taxi Driver” and “The King of Comedy.”

Character Similarity: De Niro’s character, Murray, is similar to his past roles, especially in “The King of Comedy,” where he plays a comedian who struggles to get attention.

Different Acting Styles: De Niro and Joaquin Phoenix had different ways of acting, which sometimes led to disagreements while making the film.

 Script Readings: De Niro liked to read the whole script together before filming, but Phoenix preferred to be more spontaneous during scenes.

Understanding Each Other: De Niro recognized that Arthur Fleck (Phoenix’s character) has a story that relates to some of his past characters.

 Imitating Mannerisms: Joaquin Phoenix admired De Niro and tried to copy his gestures to make his acting more real.

Film's Success: “Joker” was a big hit, earning over $1 billion worldwide and getting many awards and nominations.

 Awards Achievements: Joaquin Phoenix won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in “Joker,” while De Niro was nominated for Best Picture for producing another film that year.

Impact on Society: Despite some controversy for its violent content, “Joker” raised important conversations about mental health and society, making it a significant movie in film history.