Rajkummar Rao, known for his versatile acting skills, recently opened up about a memorable scene from the 2018 hit film Stree. The movie’s climax, where Rao’s character confronts a witch, left audiences in splits. What many didn’t know was that the scene was improvised by Rajkummar, inspired by none other than Bollywood’s King of Romance, Shah Rukh Khan.
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The Iconic Climax Scene Rajkummar Rao
The film Stree showcases Rajkummar Rao as Vicky, an innocent boy from the heartland who suddenly gets into a possession with a witch. In the climax, his character is directed to look into the witch’s eyes with love, which the camera captures entirely different from his usual demeanor. Rao disclosed that it was in the making of this scene that he made a decision to put on a comedy that involved imitating Shah Rukh Khan’s facial gestures, particularly when in a romantic scene. This impromptu decision added some comical element to the serious feeling that was brought in the scene and made the viewers of the theaters burst into laughter.
The Shah Rukh Khan Connection
Rajkummar Rao proudly admitted he is a die-hard fan of Shah Rukh Khan and SRK indeed remains a man’s ‘ideal’ young lady in India. Thus despite copying the expressions of SRK, Rao was able to add an element of comedy into the moments of moments of fear which is one of the best scenes of the movie.
Working with Director Amar Kaushik
Rao also appreciated Stree’s director Amar Kaushik for letting him play the looney on the set. Kaushik is a team player and let Rao do the ‘thoda tension’ experiment with the script, thus it became a famous scene. Kaushik opens up the floor for creativity as Rao noted, but Rao also pointed out that Kaushik makes sure that the end product is in line with the big picture of the film.
During one of the interviews promoting Stree 2, Rajkummar Rao spoke to the media about his love for Shah Rukh Khan and even called him ‘The king of romance’. Rao describes himself as a ’big romantic at heart’ and said he wants to do more romantic movies in the future.
Stree 2 and Box Office Clash
Stree 2, the much-anticipated sequel to Stree, was released on August 15, 2024. The film faced stiff competition at the box office, clashing with other big releases like Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa. Despite the competition, Rao’s performance, especially in scenes like the improvised climax, continues to be a talking point among fans.