Hollywood actress Gal Gadot recently shared a personal and emotional story about a serious health issue she faced during her fourth pregnancy. The Wonder Woman star revealed that she was diagnosed with a brain blood clot in the eighth month of her pregnancy. This life-threatening condition required emergency surgery.
Gal Gadot’s Pregnancy Health Scare
Gadot explained that she began experiencing severe headaches that left her bedridden. Concerned about her symptoms, she underwent an MRI scan, which confirmed the presence of a massive blood clot in her brain.
In an Instagram post, the actress shared her thoughts on how fragile life can be. “In one moment, my family and I were faced with how quickly life can change,” she wrote. Despite the fear and uncertainty, Gadot remained strong, especially for her unborn baby.
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She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors performed emergency surgery to remove the clot. At the same time, Gadot gave birth to her fourth daughter, Ori, whose name means “my light.” Gadot described her newborn as the light at the end of a dark tunnel, giving her hope during this challenging time.
Now fully recovered, the actress is using her story to raise awareness about the risks of brain blood clots during pregnancy. She shared that while the condition is rare—affecting 3 in 100,000 pregnant women—it is treatable if detected early. Gadot urged everyone to listen to their bodies and seek medical help if something feels wrong.
Gadot and her husband, Jason Varsano, now have four daughters: Alma, 13; Maya, 7; Daniella, 3; and Ori, 9 months. Reflecting on her family, Gadot expressed gratitude for her husband and daughters, calling them her greatest source of strength and happiness.
Through her experience, Gal Gadot hopes to inspire others to prioritize their health and cherish every moment with loved ones.