Netflix has announced an exciting new cooking competition show with NBA star LeBron James, titled Next Gen Chef. This show, produced by LeBron’s SpringHill Company and Alfred Street Industries, is set to debut in 2025. Production for the series began in June 2024 after the casting process in April, and it’s expected to be one of Netflix’s major releases for the year.
LeBron James’ Netflix Cooking Show
This announcement comes at a time when Meghan Markle’s highly anticipated cooking show is facing delays. Originally, Markle’s show was expected to premiere in early 2024, but progress has been held up due to trademark issues. While the show is on hold, insiders reveal that Markle, who has been away from the spotlight since Harry & Meghan and Heart of Invictus, is excited about her return to television. She has already completed filming the first batch of episodes and is said to be enjoying the process.
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Although Markle’s cooking series faces setbacks, Netflix’s Next Gen Chef promises to bring a fresh take to food-based reality TV. The show will feature talented chefs competing for the title of “Next Gen Chef,” with LeBron James adding his celebrity flair to the competition.
Both shows are expected to air in 2025, and fans can look forward to more culinary entertainment on Netflix. Whether it’s Markle’s heartfelt cooking journey or LeBron’s competitive twist, Netflix is offering something exciting for cooking enthusiasts and reality TV lovers alike.